Tennis Elbow Treatment

At North Jersey Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Institute, we believe in using the most conservative treatment possible to treat our patients for tennis elbow. This may include the use of physical therapy, forearm support braces, and modifications to certain motions or activities. In some cases, steroid joint injections may be used to help reduce inflammation and pain. However, some patients do not experience successful results using conservative methods and instead require surgical treatment.
Tennis Elbow surgery requires a small incision into the lateral portion of the elbow, where the tendon is detached and damaged tissues are removed. The bone is then shaved down and the tendon reattached.
Another procedure – Arthroscopic Tennis Elbow surgery – uses smaller surgical instruments and incisions to remove damaged tissues without detaching/reattaching the tendon.
Dr. Michael Russonella is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and specializes in Sports Medicine. He completed his Sports Medicine Fellowship at the American Sports Medicine Institute as well as his Orthopedic Surgery Residency at the prestigious North Shore-LIJ Health System in New York. Dr. Russonella utilizes the latest in both non-surgical and surgical treatments to treat athletes of all ages and is an expert in the utilization of arthroscopic surgical techniques.

Book your appointment today.